Race Day 2024: Sunday, August 18th

The ASICS Falmouth Road Race will again use the pulse-start wave system to best manage the numbers of runners within a venue site of limited size. This system is possible due to use of chip timing, that allows for all runners to receive an accurate time based on their crossings of the official start and finish lines. The “Pulse Start” has received excellent industry-wide runner feedback.

Goal: to give every runner the best experience possible

  • This includes the ability now to run from the start with less congestion on the course
  • Pulse intervals within each pace group are set at time intervals [approx. 2 minutes between] thus allowing for less congestion at the Start and on the course
  • Each pace group will have multiple pace starts
  • Multiple pace signs will be posted along Water Street to help guide runners to their approximate start position

There is no race day number pickup. Please visit the Health & Fitness Expo to pick up your race bib: Falmouth High School Field House, 874 Gifford St., featuring athletic-wear exhibits and information from various health and fitness experts, as well as displays by our title sponsor and apparel and footwear sponsor ASICS and other sponsors and companies. The Expo will be open in conjunction with all Number Pick-up hours.

  • Thursday, August 15 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
  • Friday, August 16 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
  • Saturday, August 17 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

What do I do before the race?

Parking: Please avoid parking on private property. If you park close to a business that will be open, your car may be towed. You may try the Mullen-Hall and Morse Pond Schools, Town Hall, the public lot near the library, and the Homeport office complex on Gifford Street. Allow extra time, traffic is very heavy on race weekend.

Important Parking Alert: There will be NO parking on Worcester Court per the Town of Falmouth. 

NO Access to Woods Hole: Access to the start area in Woods Hole will be strictly controlled by Public Safety and there is NO PARKING available and NO BOAT DROP-OFFS per Public Safety Officials. Only official vehicles will be allowed to drive to Woods Hole. Do not try to drive to the Start; take the FREE buses from Lawrence School on Lakeview Avenue provided by the race. Neither unregistered runners nor At-Home Edition participants will be allowed on the buses.

Baggage is not allowed on buses per order of Public Safety Officers.

Water belts or hydration packs are not allowed on buses and the race course. Please do not bring any extra clothing on the buses or to the start area.

Buses: Please do not attempt to drive to Woods Hole. Traffic is very heavy on race day and we strongly suggest all runners utilize our FREE bus system leaving from Lawrence School (113 Lakeview Ave) beginning at 6:00 AM. You must be onsite by 7:20. Please note if you arrive to the school after 7:20 AM you may not be guaranteed a ride to the start.

Returning in 2024: Drop-off only busing option at Falmouth High School (874 Gifford Street) from 6:00 AM to 7:15 AM. Those eligible MUST RSVP to access this option.

Start times: The Wheelchair Division will be the first start of the day at 8:40 AM followed by the Elite women’s start at 8:50 AM. The Elite men at 9:00 AM and seeded runners and wheelchair duos at 9:03 AM. The first pulse start for the general field of runners will begin at 9:05 AM.

Bike Valet Program: Our Bike Valet Program allows runners to leave a bicycle in Falmouth Heights, and then take a bus to the start line. Easy return to Lawrence School, your home, or where you’re staying Race Weekend. Registered runners will be contacted with more information closer to race week. The Bike Valet program is open until full, registration will open mid-July.

Unregistered Runners cause many problems: they disrupt the start, crowd the course, infringe on the rights of official runners, and cause congestion at the finish. Please try to discourage anyone who plans to run unofficially. We realize many want to run in person, and we would like to accommodate everyone, but the narrow course and with restrictions from our Public Safety Team, we can only have 10,000 runners on the course. We hope you will discourage “bandits.”

Toilet Facilities: There will be numerous portable toilets where the buses are boarding and throughout the start and finish areas. Please be considerate of private property and use the portable toilets. There will also be toilet facilities along the course, around two, two-and-a-half, and three miles.

Water: Poland Spring water will be available at the start, along the course, and at the finish line.

Gatorade: Gatorade will be available at the official Gatorade rehydration station at mile four and at the finish.

Race Numbers: Please wear your number on the front of your shirt. Do not fold or bend your number, bending or folding your number will damage the embedded timing device, with the potential of not being recorded as having completed the race. If your pre-printed emergency contact sticker is missing, please complete the emergency information form on the back of your number at your earliest convenience.

Special Needs and/or Requests: These requests must be made no later than 30 days prior to Race Day so they may be vetted by our office, our operations team and if needed, our Falmouth Public Safety team. Please submit your request to info@falmouthroadrace.com or call the office at 508-540-7000.

*Reminder, there is no number pick-up on race day.* 

*PLEASE DO NOT SWITCH, GIVE AWAY, OR ALTER YOUR NUMBER: This creates problems in compiling the age-group results, especially if a male uses a female number or if a young runner uses a number assigned to an older runner. * If you cover or alter your number, sell it or give it away, YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED AND UNABLE TO REGISTER FOR NEXT YEAR’S RACE.

The Start Line:

Pulse Start times: Please see information at the top of this page.

Find your assigned pace group: Which pulse you start in is up to you! The only exception are runners who requested (and sent in proof) to be seeded in either the sub-elite start or the seeded coral. Runners who did not send in seed proof will not be allowed to start with these groups. At the start line, there will be banners with expected paces on them. We recommend you line up at your expected pace or slower, since the course is hilly.

Please Note: For safety and liability reasons, and in accordance with U.S.A. Track and Field sanction requirements, the use of headphones, including ear buds, is discouraged. Baby strollers, skates, and bicycles are prohibited from the course during the race. If you’re running with friends, please don’t run more than two abreast and impede runners who may want to pass.

Important: If you cannot complete the race by 11:45 AM, you may find yourself finishing the race with traffic on the roads. Also, the finish area will be dismantled starting at 11:45 AM, therefore you may not be timed officially and will not appear in the official results. If you cannot finish the race within that time frame, you must assume responsibility for your own safety.

The Finish Line and Post Race:

Want to track a runner? The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race Live Results page will be available on race day. Have a Smartphone? Download the RTRT app now to be ready for race day! Participants, family & friends can all use Live Results to share in the excitement. On race day, spectators can get the status of participants in real-time using the Live Tracker & Leaderboard. Details such as time, pace, position on the map, and estimated finish will be instantly available!

Finish Procedure: There will be a clock at the finish that will display the time from the 9:03 AM first pulse start. After you cross the finish line, you will be directed where to go. Please do not stop in this area or try to come back along the finish area.

Post-Race Refreshments: This year each runner will be handed refreshments provided by our sponsors after they cross the finish line. These refreshments are for finishers only.

Meeting Your Family After the Race: The Friends & Family Meet-Up area is a great place to find your family and friends when you arrive on the ball field! Plan to meet up using the A-Z signs along the back of the ball field. We also recommend you download the what3words app to pinpoint and share your exact location. If you need to go back to Woods Hole after the race, take the WHOOSH Trolley from the Falmouth Mall or Main Street. Visit Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority for a schedule. Please note there are no buses back to Lawrence School from the finish area.

Hot Dogs: The hot dog tent, open to all, is back again in 2024, thanks to Kayem and Gold Medal Bakery!

Recycling will be conducted at all events, thanks to Cavossa Disposal.

Race Results are posted by 2:00 PM after the race on our website: www.FalmouthRoadRace.com and will be available on the 2024 RTRT Falmouth Road Race app.

Race Photos: Please visit MarathonFoto.com, our Official Photographer, to view your 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race runner photos! They are typically available 1-2 days after the race.

Age-Group and Falmouth Age-Group Awards will be distributed to the winners upon verification. Winners will be notified after the results have been checked, which may take up to two weeks. Thank you for your patience with the resident verification process!

Visit our FAQs page or email info@falmouthroadrace.com for other race-related questions. Have a great race!